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Consistent image file naming

Case you want to consist file names of an img element and source elements.


Suppose defining the following rule:

  • The file name of an img element is a basis.
  • Set to source element's the file name that added resolution with @ to the base name.
  • If the file name is logo.png, it must add @2x prefix to be logo@2x.png to the source element.
  • It will disallow the format that logo-2x.png etc.
<!-- ✅ Correct -->
<source srcset="logo@3x.png 3x" />
<source srcset="logo@2x.png 2x" />

<!-- ❌ Incorrect: Invalid format -->
<source srcset="logo-3x.png 3x" />

<!-- ❌ Incorrect: Different name -->
<source srcset="symbol@2x.png 2x" />

<!-- It is the basis -->
<img src="logo.png" alt="logo" />


Use invalid-attr rule with regexSelector.

"rules": {
"invalid-attr": true
"nodeRules": [
"regexSelector": {
"nodeName": "img",
"attrName": "src",
// Capture a file name and its extension from img elements while...
// Use together combinator to select preceding-sibling source elements
"combination": {
"combinator": ":has(~)",
"nodeName": "source"
"rules": {
"invalid-attr": {
"options": {
"allowAttrs": [
"name": "srcset",
"value": {
// Expand a file name and its extension by Mustache format
"enum": ["{{FileName}}@2x.{{Exp}} 2x", "{{FileName}}@3x.{{Exp}} 3x"]